👨🏻‍🔧 Technical Tuesday – The importance of Fixed Wire Inspection and Testing 👨🏻‍🔧

Fixed Wire Inspection, also known as Fixed Wire Testing, is a process that inspects and tests all electrical installations on-site to ensure they are safe and compliant with regulations. This includes checking main panels and distribution boards but does not include equipment that is plugged in. The inspection involves visual inspections and electrical tests on…

🌟Fridays Find🌟Roof Space Wiring Chaos 🤪⚡🔌

Whilst undertaking fixed wire inspection & testing at a large manufacturing site, our Guardian Engineers revealed chaotic scenes in the roof space. Issues included ➡️ ⚠️ Contactors with no covers ⚠️⚠️ Various light points unscrewed, leaving terminals exposed ⚠️⚠️Cables running over floor space. Enclosures/covers missing ⚠️⚠️Distribution boards installed in unsafe areas, restricting access ⚠️⚠️Live conductors…