Fixed Wire Inspection, also known as Fixed Wire Testing, is a process that inspects and tests all electrical installations on-site to ensure they are safe and compliant with regulations. This includes checking main panels and distribution boards but does not include equipment that is plugged in. The inspection involves visual inspections and electrical tests on all systems in the building.
During the inspection, circuits are required to be isolated for a short period of time while testing takes place.
📃All electrical installations must meet the wiring regulations laid out by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) and British Standard BS 76711. The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989, which cover electrical safety testing, places responsibility on the employer to protect the health and safety of employees and visitors to the workplace. This is legally enforced by the HSE (Health & Safety Executive).
🤔Why choose Guardian Electrical to carry out your Fixed Wire Inspection and Testing on-site?
☑️ Unrivalled customer service.
☑️Fully qualified and knowledgeable engineers, all over the UK.
☑️Free editing and updates on TraQ-it, our interactive website.
☑️Total record control on-site.
☑️Real-time access to updated documentation via TraQ-it.
Guardian Electrical can help you through the entire electrical process on-site once Fixed Wire Inspection and Testing has been completed. With services such as Remedial Action, EET, Thermographic Surveys, Panel Risk Assessments, and more.
Have you got any questions about the Fixed Wire Inspection and Testing on your site? Contact Guardian Electrical today!
📩[email protected]
📞0114 257 2080
#Electricalsafety#EaWR1989 #Fixedwiretesting#Guardianelectrical #Inspection#Compliance #TechnicalTuesday