The following picture shows the build-up of dust on a distribution board, which one of our electrical inspectors from Guardian discovered on site. This kind of situation can lead to dangerous electrical hazards as well as Health and Safety in the workplace, as it could lead to a fire hazard which could endanger staff members as well as Guardian inspectors located on the site.
The IET 18th Edition Regulation 522.4.2 states in locations where dust in significant quantity is present of solid foreign bodies, additional precautions shall be taken to prevent the accumulation of dust or other substances in quantities which could adversely affect heat dissipation from the wiring system.
The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 also requires the duty holders to ensure electrical safety in the workplace and to provide ‘Safe systems at work, Safe places of work, Safe people at work’. This means that a qualified and competent person must inspect and test the electrical installations and equipment regularly.
Contact Guardian Electrical today for all of your electrical safety requirements on-site:
☎ 0114 257 2080
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